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Laila Ali News Adventures
© 2006-2010 Gail Nobles
Laila Ali's Memory Becomes Triggered
Gail Nobles
Feb. 24 2010
Hi! I’m Gail Nobles. This is Laila Ali News Adventure talk radio. Today’s topic is Laila’s Memory. You know, I have heard Laila make comments about her memory. She probably doesn’t remember things well getting punched in the head boxing. Laila‘s memory could easily come back quick if you knew how to trigger it. Thinking of my father, I can see it now……………… (I began to day dream about me sitting at home and music playing).
Television set playing at home in NC: I’m a chicken hawk, and I eat chicken (Looney Toons).
Daddy: Gail, do you want to go to California to see Laila Ali. She’s going to be on the Wendy Williams talk show.
Gail: Sure, daddy! I’ve never been to a talk show before, and I defiantly want to see Laila Ali.
Daddy: Me too. The audience will get a chance to ask her questions, and I want to be there.
Gail: I don’t know, daddy. You don’t need to ask Laila any questions. I’m not going to be embarrassed.
Daddy: Oh, it will be alright. I’m not going to say nothing.
So we went to the talk show and we were sitting in the third row.
Wendy: So Laila, let’s talk about your boxing career. Do you remember that statement you made last year about Christy Martin?
Laila: Statement? What statement? I’ve made so many statements and comments about my opponents that I can’t remember.
A few minuets later…..
Wendy: Let’s get some questions from the audience.
Daddy was the first one to raise his hand. Wendy goes to him with the microphone. I just sat low as I could in my seat and hid my face behind the people sitting in front of me. Years had gone by and my daddy asked a question that had been years forgotten.
Daddy: Laila, I know that this has been so long ago that you don’t remember. I’ve got to ask you.
Laila: Go ahead.
Daddy: Why are you not fighting Ann Wolfe? I want to see that fight.
Laila: There it goes! (Laila throws her hands up in the air.) I am tired of people asking me that question!
My father and Laila were starting to really get into an arguement. When he looked around for me, I was gone. I ran outside because I knew Laila was getting angrier by the minuet. Daddy made Laila remember a lot of things she really didn't forget. She never forgot Ann Wolfe's comments ready to fight her any time, any place, day, month, or year. I had a feeling that Daddy was going to end up in the boxing ring, and I wasn’t going to be there. He was about to be Ann Wolfe. I was walking fast down the street looking behind me. I started to run hoping no one would come after me. I yelled for the taxi cab. When I got into the cab, I told the cab man that I wanted to go back to New Bern, NC. My brain wasn’t functioning well enough to remember that he couldn’t drive there because I was so nervous.
Taxi: Now, you know that’s a long ways from here, dear.
Gail: I mean take me to the airport.
And the moral of the story is the things we want to remember are the things that we don't forget.
This has been Laila Ali News Adventure. Again, I say Run Young Girl! Run! I’m out of here.
Laila Ali & Ann Wolfe
Laila Ali News Adventure
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