Pretending to be with Laila at my fake radio station. This is a fake news story for Laila Ali fans.
Gail: Laila, all of that debate we (fans) had about you and Anne Wolfe was for nothing. The fight never happened. Right this very day, I don't hear no bell, I don't hear no noise, and I don't hear a peep out of none of em.
Laila Ali: Because I told you I'm number one. Ann Wolfe and all those girls that were saying they could beat me couldn't beat me and can't be beat me. That's why I stand alone and is second to none. I am still number one. I don't hear nothing either. Hello! HELLOOOOOOOOOOO!
Gail: Looks like when you're not around, they are not around. At least, I still hear about you in the news every now and then. It might be about cooking, your family, and products. Still, I hear a peep out of ya. I would not have been able to stand the fact that nothing is going on much since you stepped out of the ring. I would have kept on coming after you if I were those girls. I would have made that fight happen. Even if it took beating up my trainer that would hold me back. I would have had to reach you.
Laila Ali: That's what I wanted. I wanted somebody that was willing to challenge me with some spunk. You know-like showing me some action. Some of those girls had nothing but mouth and got into the ring with me. So I beat em bad for wasting my time.
Gail: Yea, you are still number one, and there is no more noise.
Laila Ali: When there was noise, I was number one. I proved it to the world, and it still wasn't good enough. Like you said, there is no noise since I have been gone. So how do they explain that? Where's the girl in the ring that is suppose to be better than me. Where are the headlines?
Gail: I see headlines, but they don't look right. They don't say much. Headlines for women's boxing is not the same when you were making them. All of that hard work to prove that you were number one, and you were number one anyway.
Laila Ali: Dang Skippy! (Slang to agree).
Gail: This is Gail Nobles in the studio with Laila Ali. This has been Laila Ali News Adventures.
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